• Trading Traps

    • Trading Traps: The Shakeout
      Tricks of the Trade: A market professional may want to accumulate a large position in a stock that is trending strongly...
    • The Fakeout
      Tricks of the Trade: If a market professional sits with a large sell order and the stock is consolidating....
    • Pump and Dump
      Tricks of the Trade: Also referred to as ramping, this is an old trick often perpetrated by sly old hands who prey on newcomers.
    • Stop Loss Traps
      For a market specialist, making money out of stop loss orders is as difficult as hunting dairy cows with a high-powered rifle and telescopic sights.....
    • Bull & Bear Traps
      One of the most reliable Point and Figure chart patterns, Bull Traps occur when an upward breakout retreats back below the new support level.