Trading Psychology

Start Trading

  • Trading Strategy
    Know what to trade, what direction to trade, how to trade, when to trade, how much to trade, your costs, your time frame, and when to quit.

Trading Psychology

  • Trading Psychology
    Your biggest enemy, when trading, is within yourself. Success will only come when you learn to control your emotions.
  • Know Your Trading Style
    What personality style are you? And how does this suit becoming a trader?
  • Searching for the Holy Grail
    Most traders are on the lookout for ways to improve their trading, but some dedicate their lives to searching for the holy grail.
  • Trading With Emotions
    Before you can manage your emotions it helps to understand what causes them. Our brains and endocrine system are a veritable narcotics factory...
  • Investors Logic
    Investors often use distorted logic when buying stocks: what goes up must come down? Stocks that rise steeply in price and make new highs are viewed as expensive ...
  • Gamblers Logic
    If I toss a coin and heads turns up five times in a row. Which side is more likely to turn up the next time? Heads or tails?

Trading Traps

  • Trading Traps: The Shakeout
    Tricks of the Trade: A market professional may want to accumulate a large position in a stock that is trending strongly...
  • The Fakeout
    Tricks of the Trade: If a market professional sits with a large sell order and the stock is consolidating....
  • Pump and Dump
    Tricks of the Trade: Also referred to as ramping, this is an old trick often perpetrated by sly old hands who prey on newcomers.
  • Stop Loss Traps
    For a market specialist, making money out of stop loss orders is as difficult as hunting dairy cows with a high-powered rifle and telescopic sights.....
  • Bull & Bear Traps
    One of the most reliable Point and Figure chart patterns, Bull Traps occur when an upward breakout retreats back below the new support level.

Trading Education

  • Finding the Right Trading Course
    Finding the Right Trading Course (and avoiding the obvious pitfalls): If you had to enrol on a one-week trading course, you may learn some good basic trading skills.
  • Becoming an Expert Trader
    Becoming an Expert Trader (and the value of trading courses): It may take 3 to 5 years to become a good trader. Becoming an expert could take even longer ...