Watchlists in the Browser

Watchlists may be used for saving, listing and scrolling through a number of stocks and/or indices.

Create a new Watchlist

  1. Select the Watchlist watchlist icon icon on the right toolbar.
watchlist icon location
  1. Select the Add add icon icon (1) on the top half of the right-column.
name watchlist
  1. Create a name (2) (for example My Stocks) and select the Tick icon (3) to save.

To add a stock or index to a watchlist:

  1. Open a chart
  2. Select the Watchlist watchlist icon icon on the right toolbar.
  3. Select your watchlist from the top section of the right column.
  4. Select the Add add icon icon (1) on the lower half of the right-column.
  5. Select the Add Current Symbol add to watchlist icon button (2).
add to watchlist

Transfer Watchlists from Classic Charts

To transfer watchlists from the Desktop software please click here.

Create an Index Watchlist

  1. Select the Stock Screen stockscreen icon icon on the right toolbar.
stock screen location
  1. Click the grey New button to create a new Stock Screen.
New Stock Screen
  1. Enter a name and description for the new Screen and then Click Save to create a new Stock Screen.
Name Stock Screen
  1. Select the Exchange
Select the Exchange
  1. Select Index (1).
  2. Select S&P 500 (2) for example.
  3. Click Add (3).
Select an Index
  1. Click the Run button
  2. Use the Create Watchlist icon on the toolbar to create a watchlist
Create Watchlist from Results

Review a Watchlist

First set which watchlist to review:

  1. Select the Watchlist watchlist icon icon on the right toolbar.
watchlist icon location
  1. Select the Watchlist you would like to review in the to half of the right column.
set active watchlist

Then review stocks in your active watchlist, either:

  • Use the Scroll-Up Scroll Up or Scroll-Down Scroll Down icons or
  • Click any stock in the watchlist in the lower half of the right-column.
scroll active watchlist

Page 1: Getting Started

Page 2: Indicators & Overlays

Page 3: Comparisons

Page 4: Trendlines & Captions

Page 6: Alerts

Page 7: Stock Screener