
Compare two or more stocks with a percentage price axis.

Create a Comparison

  1. Select comparison icon on the top (right) toolbar.
compare icon location
  1. Click add icon to create a new comparison.
  2. Insert a name.
  3. Click to save.
add icon location

Select a Saved Comparison

  1. Select comparison icon on the top (right) toolbar. This will display a list of saved comparisons.
  2. Select a saved comparison from the list.
compare icon location

Add Stocks to a Comparison

  1. Select add icon in the saved comparison.
  2. Select an Exchange eg. United States.
  3. Enter a stock symbol.
  4. Select the stock from the drop-down list.
add icon location

Delete or Rename a Comparison

  1. To rename an icon click the edit icon
  2. To delete a comparison click the add icon and de-select the comparison you would like to remove.

Delete Stocks from a Comparison

  1. To delete a stock click the add icon and de-select the stock you would like to remove.
delete stock from comparison

Page 1: Getting Started

Page 2: Indicators & Overlays

Page 4: Trendlines & Captions

Page 5: Watchlists

Page 6: Alerts

Page 7: Stock Screener