Update Times

Premium Members receive data updates at the times specified below. Please note that manual data downloads are not required. Incredible Charts automatically fetches individual packets of data from the server as you chart each stock.

US Stocks Update Times

US stocks are continuously updated with a 15 minute delay during US market hours.

UK Stocks Update Times

LSE stocks are continuously updated with a 15 minute delay during LSE market hours.

Forex & Precious Metals Update Times

Forex & Precious Metals data is continuously updated with a 10 minute delay.

Australian Update Times

ASX data (including ASX-listed ETOs & Warrants) is continuously updated with a 20 minute delay during ASX market hours. For example:

  • 10:00*   update after 10:20
  • 10:01    update after 10:21
  • 10:02    update after 10:22
  • ...
  • 16:11**  update after 16:31

*  market open
** market close

Times listed in the above example are Sydney time (AEST).

Canadian Stocks Update Times

TSX stocks and TSX Ventures are continuously updated with a 15 minute delay during TSX market hours.

World Indexes Update Times

World indexes are updated after 19:15 (or 7:15 PM) US Eastern Time.

Time Stamp

Updates are identified by the time stamp in the top left corner of the chart:

xao time stamp